Friday, October 31, 2008

Poem Love

A Word Love

When I was a boy
I started to Learn Love
A Love of my Mother
A Love of my Family

When I was a Teen
I Learned another meaning of it
not by words
but experience

because of a girl
in a moral character
that she posses
thats all i want

I saw her at the Church
in a Beautiful dress
standing at the altar
a perfect chain in my heart

When I first talked to her
it felt happiness deep inside
when she smiled at me
and guess what
its like I brought all the happiness in this world

she is not too much pretty
she is not a Girl in white
nor she is not a Gifted Child
but she was perfect to finish my missing puzzle

I ask many times in myself
is she perfect?
but i answered
that girl will fix, love
and take care of my heart.

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