Friday, October 31, 2008

Recipe for Two Lovers

Take Happiness and Laughter
Mix thoroughly with Romance
add Hugs, Pecks,
and Sprinkle with Kisses,
bind with Pleasure
and bake with Faith
serve with endless Love
till the end


Poem Love

A Word Love

When I was a boy
I started to Learn Love
A Love of my Mother
A Love of my Family

When I was a Teen
I Learned another meaning of it
not by words
but experience

because of a girl
in a moral character
that she posses
thats all i want

I saw her at the Church
in a Beautiful dress
standing at the altar
a perfect chain in my heart

When I first talked to her
it felt happiness deep inside
when she smiled at me
and guess what
its like I brought all the happiness in this world

she is not too much pretty
she is not a Girl in white
nor she is not a Gifted Child
but she was perfect to finish my missing puzzle

I ask many times in myself
is she perfect?
but i answered
that girl will fix, love
and take care of my heart.

"question MARK"